BLUE LABEL GLOCK G43X 9MM MUST QUALIFY TO BUY $385 - $385Listing ID: 102293
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Blue Label Program is available to those eligible below with approved purchaser ID: Sworn Law Enforcement officers with powers of arrest, including Federal, State, County & City also includes retired L.E. officers with "retired" credentials (LE Department or Retired Picture ID front & back) Military personnel including Reservists and National Guard with I.D also includes retired Military with "retired" credentials (Military picture ID front & back) Corrections Officers, including Parole and Probation Officers (LE Department Picture ID front & back) Nationally recognized Security Company – Officer Purchase for fulltime armed guards with Picture ID. Examples: Loomis, Garda, and GS4. State licenses, registrations, private investigators are NOT APPROVED. LE Academy Cadets with enrollment documentation from the Academy. Firefighters with Department Credentials. (FD Department Picture ID front & back) Honorably Discharged Veterans with DD214 and Driver’s License . GLOCK G43X 9MM BLACK 3.41" FIXED SIGHTS (INCLUDES 2 10-RND MAGAZINES) Include:Barrel 3.41", 9mm, Semi-Auto Pistol, Safe Action, Gas Nitride Finish, Polymer Frame, Capacity: 10 Round, 3.41" Barrel Length, Fixed Sights $385 CASH T-BONE'S GUNS 208.250.7191 BLACK CANYON EXIT 13 CALDWELL, ID. OPEN:10AM-6PM MONDAY- SATURDAY CLOSED: SUNDAY